Social acceptance may represent both a cause and an effect of bullying as well as one the most common psychological factors in group dynamics.
High social acceptance is common among leaders and doers as well as in followers.
High social acceptance is the key to enter a group, to live in a group, to be accepted as a leader or as a whatever member.
Outside the group there are only those who have a low social acceptance.
Thus, having a low social acceptance means being nobody to the group itself.
Those who have a low social acceptance usually haven’t roles even within other groups as well as friends.
That is why a low social acceptance always associates with a low self-esteem. Nobody wants someone who has a low self-esteem as a friend.
No trust can he/she has from anyone, they stay excluded from leadership positions and also kept away from other roles in the group.
People who have a low social acceptance stay alone, apart, avoided, out of every social connection and social life. Moreover, they feel invisible and unwanted and also tend to feel like they are constantly under a spotlight, being watched and criticized by others.
Hostile interactions create an hostile and unhealthy context, thus leading to social exclusion.
Thus, marginalized people fall more often than others in depression and
become victims without doing anything
as explained in a previous article: “School Bullying: Victims at The Centre of A Persecution”.
Victimisation begins as a subtle but ferocious persecutory mechanism jointly performed by bullies and their gregaries.
The context and the environment reinforce the already existing psychological characteristic, which in turn produces more isolation and a chance for more persecution.
Thus, prevention, as well as intervention against bullying, should focus on both a child-centred approach and the wider context where bullying happens by combining personal, social and health education.
Since psychology influences behaviours, the same psychology can result in a powerful leverage to change behaviours and help tweens and teens become more sociable.
Well-developed social interaction skills are critical for developing positive mindset since childhood. And as they get older, they should be learning more advanced social skills
Social skills must be developed together with emotional coping strategies, since the last are most effective if they are taught together with the first ones.
The earlier they can learn to deal with conflicts, the healthier and safer they will live.