
Posts Tagged responsibility

Building Positive Socialization for Tomorrow’s People

Building Positive Socialization for Tomorrow's People

Positive socialization is one of the most effective antidote against bullying. Schools and families have a precise responsibility in teaching the new generations how to build and maintain a positive socialization. Positive socialization is neither an innate attitude nor a natural behaviour, given for granted that the governing […]

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The Opposite of Bullying is Empathy

The Opposite of Bullying is Empathy

The opposite of bullying is empathy. Bullying is the mirror of the bad health of our society, communities and definitely schools. The growing isolation and egoism of humans has led to a total lack of interest in one another and ever-greater alienation. Indeed, alienation is the consequence […]

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School Bullying: Victims at The Centre of A Persecution

School Bullying: Victims at The Centre of A Persecution

Bullying remains one of the few endemic abuses which society appears to tolerate. What adults seem to tolerate as a childhood rite of passage it’s a harmful persecution which reveals itself within an environment – the school – whose safety is taken for granted, through different types of aggression. Bullying […]

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